Political Theory Workshop: Jodi Dean, "What the Grundrisse Tells Us About Uber: Capitalism's Neofeudalizing Dynamic," Friday, October 8, 3:00–5:00PM

Political Theory Workshop: Jodi Dean, “What the Grundrisse Tells Us About Uber: Capitalism’s Neofeudalizing Dynamic,” Friday, October 8, 3:00–5:00PM

Join us for the third Political Theory Workshop on Friday, October 8th from 3-5pm. Dr. Jodi Dean (Hobart and William Smith Colleges) will be joining us to discuss her paper “What the Grundrisse Tells Us About Uber: Capitalism’s Neofeudalizing Dynamic.” Her discussant will be Aaron Warwick Braun (PhD student, CUNY Graduate Center).
This talk, like all others for the Political Theory Workshop this Fall, will take place over Zoom. Click here to join the Zoom call [zoom.us] on the 8th. For any inquiries, please contact g[email protected].