Sumru Atuk (Ph.D., 2020) published “Femicide and the Speaking State: Woman Killing and Woman (Re)making in Turkey,” in the Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies.
Rachel Brown (Ph.D., 2016) and John McMahon (Ph.D., 2016) co-authored “Rosa Luxemburg and the Primitive Accumulation of Whiteness”, in Creolizing Rosa Luxemburg (Rowman & Littlefield 2021).
Tatiana Carayannis (Ph.D., 2017) co-authored with Professor Thomas Weiss The “Third” United Nations: How a Knowledge Ecology Helps the UN Think (Oxford University Press 2021). She also published “Can the ‘Third UN’ Reimagine Post-Covid Global Cooperation?” in PassBlue for the occasion of the UN’s 75th anniversary.
John Flateau (Ph.D, 2005) was a featured guest on the “Rethinking NYC: Governing a Diverse City,” a panel on minority and immigrant empowerment in city politics at The Graduate Center.
Danielle Garcia (M.A., 2020) discussed her timely master’s thesis “The Politics of Hip Hop: A Political Analysis of Hip Hop’s History and Its Complicated Relationship with Capitalism” with The Graduate Center.
Peter Hoffman (Ph.D., 2012) was appointed Director of the Graduate Programs in International Affairs at The New School.
Larry Ladutke (Ph.D., 2002) organized three events in observation of the International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims on March 24th.
Patrice McSherry (Ph.D., 1994) published two articles: “Chile’s Struggle to Democratize the State” in NACLA Report on the Americas, and a personal memoir of Max Berrú in Pagina19. McSherry was invited to be a regular columnist for the latter publication. McSherry also was interviewed by Jacobin Magazine on Operation Condor.
Nicholas Micinski (Ph.D., 2019) published “Migration and Development in the UN Global Compacts,” in Routledge Handbook on the UN and Development (Routledge 2020). He also accepted a tenure track position at the University of Maine.
Antoinette Pole (Ph.D., 2005) co-authored and published “Prevalence of Seafood Consumption Among United States Adults, 2013-2014” in Food Studies.
Nayma Qayum (Ph.D., 2014) published Village Ties: Women, NGOs, and Informal Institutions in Rural Bangladesh (Rutgers 2021).
Bann Seng Tan (Ph.D., 2013) published International Aid and Democracy Promotion: Liberalization at the Margins (Routledge 2021).Alexander Zamalin (Ph.D., 2014) published Against Civility (Beacon Press 2021) and “Civility Won’t End Racism” is Yes! Magazine. He was also interviewed on MSNBC’s Majority Report to discuss Against Civility.
Alexander Zamalin (Ph.D., 2014) published Against Civility (Beacon Press 2021) and “Civility Won’t End Racism” is Yes! Magazine. He was also interviewed on MSNBC’s Majority Report to discuss Against Civility.
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