Please join the Comparative Politics Workshop virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, April 1 from 4:15-6:15. Agnès Aubry (University of Lausanne/ Visiting PhD Student at the…

Please join the Comparative Politics Workshop virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, March 25 from 4:15-6:15. Our very own Kyong Mazzaro (GC, CUNY) will be presenting…

This event has been postponed. We will update when a new date has been arranged. “YES YOU CAN: How to Land A Tenure-Track Job” Date:…

This event has been postponed. We will re-post when a new date has been arranged. Please join us for the annual Political Science Department Graduate…

Please note: Dr. Novkov will be giving this talk remotely. Students and faculty are invited to join in person or digitally. Check your GC email…

Lindsay Green-Barber is the founder, CEO, and principal consultant of The Impact Architects (www.theimpactarchitects.com), a media impact and strategy consultancy whose clients include the Bill…

Alex Zamalin is an Assistant Professor of Political Science and the Director of the African American studies program at University of Detroit Mercy. He is…

Michael Sharpe is an associate professor of political science at York College, and graduated from the GC Political Science Program in Spring 2008. By Matthew…

Jeff Broxmeyer is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Toledo. He completed his Ph.D. in Political Science at the GC in 2014….

Interview with Joao Feres Junior, Ph.D. in Political Science at the Graduate Center, 2003. Currently Professor at IESP-UERJ (http://www.iesp.uerj.br/welcome-to-iesp-uerj/#) By Andre Guzzi A: After the…
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