Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, Ste. 5202
New York, NY 10016
212-817-8670 [email protected]
Browse:Home / 2019 / October / 15 / Political Theory Workshop: Alison Parks, “Becoming Queer, Becoming Suicidal: Pathological Entanglements and the Queer Subject” Thursday, October 17, 4:30-6:30
Be Stone / October 15, 2019 / Comments Off on Political Theory Workshop: Alison Parks, “Becoming Queer, Becoming Suicidal: Pathological Entanglements and the Queer Subject” Thursday, October 17, 4:30-6:30 / Events, PT Events
Please join us at the next political theory workshop on Thursday October 17th at 4.30pm. Our own Alison Parks (PhD Candidate), will present her paper entitled “Becoming Queer, Becoming Suicidal: Pathological Entanglements and the Queer Subject.” The discussant will be Professor Leonard Feldman (Hunter College/Graduate Center).
To RSVP and receive readings for the session, contact the Political Theory Workshop at
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