Join us for The Enigma of Clarence Thomas: A Conversation between Corey Robin, the author of The Enigma of Clarence Thomas (Metropolitan Books, 2019) and Professor…

Please join the Comparative Politics Workshop on Tuesday, October 29 from 6:30-8:30pm. Colleen Wood (Columbia University) will be presenting her paper, “Who Belongs In ‘Our…

The American Politics Subfield will host their first workshop for the academic 2019-2020 year. Please mark your calendars for Thursday, October 31st from 4:00-6:00pm. Discussants…

Please consider joining us for the next Political Theory Workshop on Thursday October 31th at 4.30pm. Professor Richard Wolin (GC) will present a paper entitled “Heidegger in Ruins:…

Please join the Comparative Politics Workshop on Tuesday, October 22 from 6:30-8:30pm. Sherrie Baver (City College, CUNY) will be presenting her paper, “The Development of…

All prospective students interested in applying to the MA/PhD program in Political Science at the CUNY Graduate Center are welcomed to join us for an…

Please join us at the next political theory workshop on Thursday October 17th at 4.30pm. Our own Alison Parks (PhD Candidate), will present her paper entitled…

Please join the Comparative Politics Workshop on TUESDAY, October 15 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Please note that we will not be meeting on Wednesday at 4:15pm….

Featured Student News from our 2019 department newsletter, Homo Politicus. Access the newsletter archive here. Ariel Mekler (level I) is presenting “Queer (in)security in the age…

Featured Alum News from our 2019 department newsletter, Homo Politicus. Access the newsletter archive here. Sabera Azizi (M.A. 2018) was recently appointed an associate at the…
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