Ph.D./M.A. Program in Political Science
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, Ste. 5202
New York, NY 10016
212-817-8670 [email protected]
Browse:Home / 2021 / February / 16 / Political Theory Workshop: Milo Ward, “’Problems with Authority’: James Q. Wilson’s Political Theory of the Police,” Friday, February 19, 3-5PM
Be Stone / February 16, 2021 / Comments Off on Political Theory Workshop: Milo Ward, “’Problems with Authority’: James Q. Wilson’s Political Theory of the Police,” Friday, February 19, 3-5PM / Events, PT Events
Please join us for the next PoliticalTheoryWorkshop on Friday, February 19th from 3-5pm. Milo Ward (PhD Candidate, CUNY) will present his paper “’Problems with Authority’: James Q. Wilson’s Political Theory of the Police.” The discussant will be Tyler Olsen (PhD Candidate, CUNY).
To receive a copy of the paper and the Zoom link, kindly email
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