Featured Student News from our 2017 department newsletter, Homo Politicus. Access the newsletter archive here.
Yu Aoki, Level III, received a Ralph Bunche Dissertation Fellowship for the 2017-18 Academic Year in Political Science.
B Lee Aultman, Level III, is the lead author with Professor Currah of a book chapter in the edited volume LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader (NYU Press, 2017), in which they explore the challenges of legibility in trans political practices and identities.
Emma Jacobs, Level III, received the George Schwab Research Fellowship for US Foreign Policy to visit the George H. W. Bush Archives. Additionally, she received an Early Research Initiative Knickerbocker Award for Archival Research in American Studies.
Aaron Linas, second-year M.A., presented a paper, “We Refugees, Again,” at the North American Anarchist Studies Conference in Mexico City in April.
Pierre Losson, Level III, had an article in International Journal of Heritage Studies (2017), “The inscription of Qhapaq Ñan on UNESCO’s World Heritage List: a comparative perspective from the daily press in six Latin American countries.”
Christopher Michael, Level III, had an article published in Probate & Property (2017), “The Employee Ownership Trust, an ESOP Alternative,” and contributed a chapter to New York University Review of Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation (Matthew Bender, 2016), “Grantor Trusts: A Path to Employee Ownership.” Additionally, he was awarded the Rutgers Research Fellowship for the 2016-17 academic year through the Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations.
Nick Micinkski, Level III, presented papers at the International Studies Association in Baltimore, the Association for the Study of Nationalities World Convention, and the Migration With(out) Boundaries conference at Michigan State University. His article, “The Changing Role of the Ford Foundation in International Development, 1951-2001,” was also published by VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations (2017).
Brahim Rouabah, Level I, had two articles published, “Discourses of Power and State Formation: The State of Emergency from Protectorate to Post-uprising Tunisia” in Middle East Law and Governance (2016) and “The political economy of regime survival: Algeria in the context of the African and Arab uprisings” in Review of African Political Economy (2016).
Andrew Wilkes, Level I, published an article in Essence in November, “3 Black Spiritual Leaders Talk Protecting Your Faith, Black Love And Community Building In Trump’s America.”
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