Alan DiGaetano

Position: Professor
Campus Affiliation: Baruch College|CUNY Graduate Center
Degrees/Diplomas: Ph.D. Boston University
Research Interests: public policy, comparative urbanism

Prof. DiGaetano is a member of the Baruch College faculty and specializes in the study of urban politics and policy, including historical and comparative analysis of urban political economy. His scholarly publications include:  with John Klemanski.  Power and City Governance: Comparative Perspectives on Urban Development.   (1999), and recent articles, “The Changing Nature of the Local State: A Comparative Perspective” in Policy and Politics (2001); “Urban Governance and Industrial Decline: Governing Structures and Policy Agendas in Birmingham and Sheffield, England, and Detroit, Michigan, 1980-1997” with Paul Lawless of Sheffield Hallam University, in Urban Affairs Review(1997), and “Urban Governing Alignments and Realignments in Comparative Perspective: Development Politics in Boston, Massachusetts, and Bristol, England, 1980-1996 in Urban Affairs Review(1997). Other journals in which his work has appeared are the Journal of Urban Affairs and the Journal of Urban History.


digaetano powerAlan DiGaetano and John S. Klemanski, Power and City Governance: Comparative Perspectives on Urban Development (University of Minnesota Press, 1999).

Case studies of four major cities reveal the politics of governing today.

This book develops a new way of comparing and understanding urban politics across national borders. The authors’ approach, called “modes of governance,” emphasizes governing alignments and their agendas. Applying this perspective to Boston and Detroit in the United States and Birmingham and Bristol in England, the authors compare the effects of postindustrial and urban political transformations, and link these to trends in the wider political economy.

“This comparative and longitudinal analysis of local political change is a singular achievement. It reaches beyond an urbanist audience.”
—The Journal of Politics

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